Equipping the Church to Vote
Chapter 10: Praying for those in Authority Over Us
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and
petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the
peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil 4:6-7)
Scripture gives very direct commands concerning our responsibilities towards the authorities God has raised over us. Romans 13:1-7 summarizes a number of key principles by stating we are to submit to them, and also give respect and honor where due (see also 1 Peter 2:13-17). We have another precious privilege and duty before the Lord, and that is to pray for those leaders as they exercise the power and authority God has placed into their hands. As 1 Timothy 2:1-2 states:
“I urge therefore, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and
thanksgiving be made for everyone - for kings and all those in authority,
that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.”
Since this is such an obvious desire of God for us, the question then becomes what to specifically pray for so we will experience quiet and peaceful lives, while setting a Christ-honoring example of salt and light. The following list gives examples of the type of prayers that are appropriate, and that should permeate our thinking 10.
- Pray for the salvation of each in authority over us
- Pray they would understand it is ultimately God who has placed them in their position, not man
- Pray they would understand their personal accountability to an Almighty God to whom they’ll give account
- Pray they would see themselves as servants of God first and would diligently seek His will
- Pray they and their family would be protected from any harm or injury
- Pray they would legislate righteously, according to God’s standard and not man’s
- Pray they would appoint righteous, honest and fair judges
- Pray they would align their lives with biblical standards of leadership
- Pray they would use biblical principles to guide all their decisions
- Pray they would be diligent to seek out wise and godly counsel before making decisions
- Pray they would be honest and exercise integrity in their official capacity
- Pray they would be above reproach, with integrity in their private lives
- Pray they would govern according to the truth, even when it’s not popular
- Pray they would be examples of righteousness to those they serve
- Pray they would be good stewards of all the resources God has placed in their hands
- Pray that they would have a clear understanding of the role of government according to God’s design and not man’s
- Pray they would have the necessary discernment to immediately recognize evil and to reject it
- Pray they would use their office to restrain evil
- Pray they would publicly and privately commend what is good
- Pray they would create an environment supportive to the spread of the gospel
- Pray they would see their role as one that is to benefit those they serve
- Pray they would not make decisions out of expediency, but based on what is right and just
- Pray they would not be led gradually or deceptively into compromising righteous positions
- Pray they would not listen to ungodly counselors or self serving groups
- Pray they would not become proud because of their position of authority
- Pray they would not shrink from fulfilling their God given responsibilities
- Pray they would not abuse the power which God has entrusted to them
- Pray they would not promote evil in any manner
- Pray they would not use their office to promote their own agenda
- Pray they would not use their office to promote their own popularity
Let’s not forget those Christians that are not in leadership positions; they also need to be prayed for. Beseech God that they would fulfill their responsibilities diligently, and answer God’s call to be involved and even seek public office to personally present and live to the righteous standard the culture around us needs to see lived out. Specifically, then, consider the following additional prayers:
- Pray that Christians would faithfully pray for those in authority over us
- Pray that Christians would be an encouragement to our leaders to do good
- Pray that Christians would exercise their right to vote, and will use it in a godly manner
- Pray that when God calls His people to be involved in politics, they would obey and be diligent
- Pray that God would raise up godly leaders to replace those that abuse the use of their power
10 Scripture verses supporting the above: 1 Tim 2:1-8; Matt 7:21-23; Acts 4:19-20; Col 1:29; Rom 13:1-6; 1 Peter 2:15; Prov 12:24; 20:12; 18:15;24:5-6; 25:12; 29:12
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