General Policy on Church Centered Citizenship E-Mail Usage
Caveats: Information provided does not necessarily reflect the views of church leadership
- The existence and use of this distribution list is under the authority of church leadership and can be suspended at any time
- This distribution list is not to be used to promote or support candidates for elective office
- Each user should reflect an attitude of humility and gentleness towards others that may differ in their views and understanding (Rom 14:1-19)
- Personal evaluations or attacks on others should be avoided at all times (Col 4:5-6)
- Do not violate any confidences, be circumspect at all times, avoid any hint of gossip or slander (Prov 11:13)
- Distribution of information on a topic not of general interest should be conducted only between those directly involved
- Use of this distribution is not intended to address personal “hot buttons” or topics not of general interest or concern (Titus 3:9; Prov 18:2)
- Long treatises or needless repetition of views should be avoided
- Make sure the “subject” line accurately indicates what the topic is
- All e-mails must have the sender easily identified in the “From” line, or be signed in the text
- When forwarding information from other, outside sources, only high integrity information is desirable. The following should be considered as far as practical (Prov 19:2):
- Provide references (names; publications; phone numbers; organizations; dates)
- Provide the reason for forwarding the material
- Indicate whether Urban Legend sites had been accessed for a credibility check
- Edit the material (if extensive)
- If material isn’t intended for further distribution, this should be indicated prominently. Permission to further distribute should be sought if this limitation is present
- If uncertain about distributing an item, seek the ministry leader’s opinion (Prov 15:22)
Distribution List Control:
- The distribution list will be maintained by one person, with oversight by the ministry leader
- The right is reserved to remove someone from the distribution list if necessary
- The distribution listing will not be given out unless approved by the ministry leader
“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Col 3:17)