Representative Church Policy on Christian Citizenship
1. We believe the purpose of the church gathered is to:
- Worship God in spirit and truth (John 4:24; Col 3:16)
- Pray for God’s will to be fulfilled in His church and throughout the world (Matt 9:10; 1 Tim 2:1-4; Jer 29:7)
- Exercise spiritual gifts for the edification, maturing, and equipping of God’s people for service to God (1 Cor 12:4-7; 2 Tim 3:16-17)
2. We believe the purpose of the church scattered is to:
- Proclaim the gospel of God’s saving grace (Matt 28:18-20)
- Live exemplary lives in obedience to God to bring Him glory in all walks of life (1 Cor 10:31; Col 3:17)
- Apply Biblical principles and a Christian worldview to all spheres of the culture around us, and to all of life as citizens of this nation (Matt 5:13-16; Prov 14:34; Deut 4:6-8)
3. We encourage members to actively participate in:
- Intercessory prayer for those God has placed in leadership over us, and to give proper respect and honor where due (1 Tim 2:1-4; Rom 13:1-7; 1 Peter 2:13-17)
- Encouraging all elected and appointed officials to fulfill their God ordained responsibilities in a righteous manner (Prov 14:34; 25:15; 28:28; 29:2; Rom 13:3-4)
- Influencing, encouraging, and supporting godly candidates seeking elective office
- Pursuing public office as personal giftedness, desire, and opportunity allow
- Becoming knowledgeable of moral issues of local, state, and national concern
- Influencing people for good by appealing to reason and conscience (Rom 2:15; 2 Cor 10:3-5)
- Seeking peace and prosperity in our city, state and nation (Jer 29:7)
- All elections (e.g. voting) to help raise up godly candidates to leadership positions
- The establishment and enforcement of righteous laws (1 Tim 1:8-11)
- Coordination with other Christ-centered churches or activities to multiply effectiveness
4. We encourage members within the church to:
- Be submissive to the authority God has placed within the church (Heb 13:17)
- Take care to not create offense or division when sharing political or cultural views (Rom 14:19)
- Not look down on those with either greater or lesser political involvement than yourself (1 Cor 12:4-7)
- Meet regularly to discuss items of citizenship interest, and distribute material to others only when welcome
- Respect formal worship times of the church and refrain from distributing material or engaging in political debate accordingly
- Understand this church does not take official positions endorsing candidates for elective office