Equipping the Church to Vote
Chapter 12: Endnote - Why Don't We Get Involved?
“The sluggard says, ‘There is a lion outside!’, or ‘I will be murdered
in the streets!’” (Prov 22:13)
“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in
the Lord is kept safe.” (Prov 29:25)
One of the primary reasons for this pamphlet is to provide a starting point for churches to equip their members to be active, concerned, politically involved citizens at the minimum level. I believe voting is the least a Christian can do and have a direct impact upon our society’s laws and the selection of those that will rule over us. Surprisingly, many Christians will not even exercise this right, much less pro-actively engage government and our culture at all levels.
Personally, I believe there are Biblical, wisdom, and practical reasons to not overlook this part of our responsibility before the Lord. In so doing, we help to demonstrate our love for our neighbors and accomplish much for their and our good. Over the years, however, I’ve heard many reasons for not engaging our culture and fighting the good fight for righteousness sake. The following lists the most common ones, and gives answers to each. I invite you to assess for yourself whether any of these excuses are valid, or whether they are self-justification for our own selfish reasons.
- I don’t see any direct Biblical mandate to be involved
- We are called to be salt and light in this world. In it’s broadest context, this includes not just spreading and applying God’s truths, but also disinfecting the environment around us, personally setting an example on involvement, and working for the good of our neighbor (Matt 5:13-16)
- We are called to point out sin in the land (Eph 5:11)
- We are called to hold captive every thought unto Christ in every area of endeavor, including selecting leaders and righteous laws (2 Cor 10:5)
- We are called to demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, however it manifests itself (2 Cor 10:5)
- We are called to pray and work for peace and prosperity in the land (Jer 29:7)
- We are called to be prepared to answer for the hope that is in us (1 Peter 3:15)
- We are called to rescue those being led away to death in their own sin (Prov 24:11-12)
- I know only the gospel can change a heart, not social activism
- True enough. However, God has placed a conscience inside everyone (Rom 2:14). This conscience can be quickened by exposure to God’s righteous standard of good and evil (Gal 3:24)
- Just laws may not change a person’s heart, but they can serve to change a person’s actions. Otherwise, why do we teach our children right from wrong even before they may come to saving faith in Jesus Christ?
- I don’t think making a "better" pagan will bring more glory to God
- True! The pagan is still lost in his sin and a reproach to God
- Godly implementation of God's standard brings honor to God independent of the results in the non-believer
- The standard shows that no matter how hard a person tries, they’ll still fall short (no matter how poor of a reflection it is of God's truth), and will need something else
- A pagan that is morally "good" will bring credit to the moral standard conformed to as well as the source of that standard
- Why should I want to improve Satan's world
- To contribute to the peace and prosperity of the land (Jer 29:7)
- To be able to live quiet lives in all godliness and holiness (1 Tim 2:1-2)
- To show compassion on the lost, but never at the expense of the gospel message (Heb 13:2; Luke 10:25-37)
- To prevent open dishonor to God's name amongst the non-Christianized (Num 14:13-16)
- Although it appears that Satan holds sway over this world, it truly belongs to the Lord (Psalm 24:1)
- The upholding of God's standard could be the vehicle the Lord uses to show the depth of one's sin (lawbreaker) and lead them to the only hope they have, Christ (Gal 3:24; Rom 7:7-25)
- I may have to compromise on an issue if I start to take a stance
- Realistically, is it better to do nothing and watch the culture and environment we raise our children in become more and more hostile to everything we stand for?
- We must determine the principles we’re not willing to compromise on under any circumstances. This, however, does not prevent us from incrementally working towards a righteous goal
- Is limiting some types of abortion better than no limitations at all? Is this compromising on a foundational principle?
- Are we really only straining a gnat to ensure we can justify inaction? (Matt 23:23-24)
- Obviously, we must be careful of our motives at all times. But we’re not to be so careful that we are frozen into inaction
- I don’t have enough information or knowledge to be effective (I’m ignorant)
- How do you correct this? By staying ignorant or by studying and becoming knowledgeable
- Common sense itself will show what should be done many times
- Did you use the same argument to prevent yourself from sharing thegospel once you became a believer?
- God’s common grace gives man a conscience to understand at least a shadow of what is good and bad, independent of the facts (consequences)
- Being armed with data and good reasoning makes us even more powerful, however, this isn’t a prerequisite before we do anything
- I’m not supposed to throw pearls before swine
- For sure, we are not called to be argumentative or divisive (Matt 7:6; Acts 18:6 example)
- Not all unbelievers will be unreceptive (or cold) to solid information, facts and good reasoning, as long as we are not personally the stumbling block to them
- How then would you fulfill 2 Corinthians 10:4 which says we demolish every argument and pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God? We should at least be aware of the “swine’s” arguments
- By the way, the swine referred to in Matthew 7:6 are those that God’s truths are wasted on to our own detriment. We for sure must be wise about where to pick our fight
- Is this really just an excuse to not engage the enemy at all?
- I'm not gifted to be involved in politics or Christian activism - so why should I worry about it?
- Just as with spiritual giftedness (1 Cor 12:1-31), you’ll only know if you’re gifted (talented) in this area by trying, then evaluating
- You know that there will be others that are gifted and talented in these areas, your responsibility is to seek them out to support them in: prayer, financially as the Lord leads, encouragement, defense of them (speak well of them), voluntary work where needed, and the like (1 Tim 5:18)
- Also, seek those out that are involved in order to be better informed on the issues of the day and what role you can or should play (Rom 12:6-8)
- Ignoring those involved in positions of authority and not supporting them could be knowing the good we ought to do but not doing it (James 4:17)
- I’m not taught to engage the culture
- What should you do then?
- If your church does not have the resources, how can you help provide for them?
- If you don’t engage, who will?
- While you become equipped, support those that are gifted in these areas
- I’m not directly affected by the issues of the day
- Maybe not at this time, but what about your children? (Prov 6:10-11)
- Is darkness ever satisfied with the status quo?
- Is this showing love to our neighbor and a concern for his well being?
- What example did the Good Samaritan set (Luke 10:25-37)? Even though not “required” to help those in need, what would bring the greatest glory to Christ?
- I don’t believe it’s appropriate to impose my views on others
- God has revealed His moral standards and expectations for both believers and for humanity at large (Deut 4:5-8)
- For example, before the fall:
- The sanctity of life was to be maintained (Gen 1:27,28)
- The sanctity of marriage was to be preserved (Gen 2:23,24)
- Man was given dominion over the earth (Gen 1:28; 2:15)
- Man was made aware of his accountability to an almighty God (Gen 2:16)
- After the fall:
- The law of Moses was given to His people for their good, and as a testimony to the world (Deut 4:5-8; Psalm 96:1-13; 98:2,3)
- Man's conscience continues to display the requirements of the law (Rom 2:14-15) and the existence of a mighty God that he is accountable to (Rom 1:20)
- Because of this:
- It is observable that turning from God’s moral and visible truths (violating them, and our own conscience) will result in adverse consequences and will potentially yield devastating results (Joshua 1:7 principle; Rom 1:21-32)
- Objective data and information (as well as observation) will usually show the horrible consequences of sin (Deut 28:1-68)
- We cannot force another to believe a certain way, but we may convince them of their folly (even AA, some human psychology, and self help courses show some "improvement" can occur)
- You typically cannot impose your views on someone else, but you can affect a person’s actions and behavior
- Government’s role is to punish the evil doer, by doing so it’s imposing it’s will on people. Who is going to define what evil is if you don’t?
- I don’t think I can make any difference
- How many apostles were there? Did they make a difference in the world?
- Don’t we serve the God of the universe? Who holds the life of the king in His hand? (Prov 21:1)
- Who’s in charge? We can’t do anything by ourselves, but God can!
- We’re not called to guarantee results, we are only called to be faithful to the high calling the Lord gives us
- If God is for us, who can be against us? (Rom 8:31-39)
- I’m afraid of the impacts upon myself or my family that could result from engaging the enemy
- Is this rationalization? We are called to count the cost in our obedience to Christ, not our own comfort (Matt 16:24)
- We are not called to fear man (Prov 29:25)
- We are not called to imagine false enemies to get out of doing what is right (Prov 22:13)
- We must be wise where we take our fight, but fight we must (Matt 16:18)
- If the gates of hell will not prevail against God’s kingdom, His church, then why are we so reluctant to bring the righteousness of Christ and God’s truths into the public square? (Matt 16:15-19)
- I don’t have the time
- Do you have time for any TV, radio, hobbies, vacations, naps, sports, pleasure reading?
- Do you seem to always find the time for those things that you enjoy doing?
- Is this only an excuse to do absolutely nothing in this area?
- I think it’s illegal for a church to be involved in politics in any way
- All scripture was given to equip us for every good work (1 Tim 3:16-17), independent of what the government says the church is supposed to do or not do
- The church, with it’s teachers and preachers is intended to train and equip us in doing the good works (Eph 4:11-5:14)
- Federal law prevents 501(c)3 organizations from actively trying to influence the outcome of elections. However, churches can educate their members in their Christian citizenship responsibilities and provide a forum for political discussion and debate as long as it doesn’t favor one candidate over another or take a formal, church stand on a legislative issue not directly affecting the church
- I believe politics is corrupt, sleazy, and beyond redeeming, why even worry about it?
- All legitimate businesses and professions can be redeemed and prosper for God's glory (John 21:4-11; 2 Cor 9:6-7)
- The Lord is the one that places men in positions of authority to do His bidding (Prov 8:15-16; 21:1)
- Replacing evil men with godly men will bring righteousness to the forefront (Prov 25:4-5; 28:28)
- Justice, properly applied, ensures order in the land (Prov 28:2; 29:2,4,14)
- There is always hope in the Lord, even men of little account can be used for His glory and to fulfill His purposes (Eccl 9:4)
- I think this generation is totally lost and beyond hope, it’s not like the old days, and we can’t return, so why should I be concerned about it?
- The old days were just as evil as now since the heart of man has not changed (Jer 17:9)
- The old days were seen by us through the eyes of a child, we cannot go back to that time, nor should we even try and compare the times (1 Cor 13:11)
- It’s not wise to dwell on the "old days" and pine for them, since we live in this day and are called to live it for the glory of God (Eccl 7:10). It's never beyond hope, God will accomplish His purposes to bring Him praise and glory (1 Cor 6:9-11)
- I agree individual Christians have a responsibility to be active in this nation, but is it valid for the church body to be involved?
- The primary focus of the church body is to present Christ in His fullness, to build the body of believers up in their faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, and to present Christ to the world (Eph 3:10-11; Matt 28:18-20)
- Just as removal of God from the public school teaches that God is not important, the church body by not addressing citizenship duties teaches that it is not important (benign neglect)
- The church with its gifted teachers and preachers is to equip all believers to be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3:16,17), this includes being salt and light in every legitimate profession and sphere of influence in society (public schools, elected officials, etc)
- In order to serve in a godly way in public service, it is important to properly equip the godly to assume these positions for God's glory and know how to apply Biblical principles to these professions, since they’re serving the Lord not men (Eph 6:7)
- I know the Christian is called to do good and evangelize in this world, but is he called to confront evil and fraud wherever they are found?
- We are to have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather, we are to expose them. This for sure applies to professing believers, but the principle can also be applied to the world (Eph 5:8-14)
- John the Baptist exposed King Herod's sin publicly (Mark 6:17-18)
- The law is intended to control the ungodly, and everything that is contrary to the glorious gospel (1 Tim 1:8-11)
- If a believer is in a leadership position, he is called to root out evil from his presence (Prov 20:26)
- Even Christ Himself drove out the money changers from His father's house (Matt 21:12-13)
- If a Christian will not stand up for what is right, who will?
What other ones can you think of that apply to you? For each one, can you truthfully come before the Lord and say you have no role in selecting the best person to rule over you when our government asks who you want? Can you truthfully say it’s not your duty before God to hold up His righteous standard and define for others what constitutes good and evil when the government asks you to define it? Our Lord calls on us to count the cost of following Him (Matt 16:24). How much longer will this nation rely upon the Christian legacy it has inherited from previous generations? That heritage bought, and maintained our freedoms at an enormous price. I believe Christians in this nation have for too long withdrawn from the gates of hell and have not attacked them (Matt 10:34-39). We have allowed ourselves to be marginalized in influence, and to be seen as irrelevant to the issues crowding all around us. How prevalent must evil become before we say “enough is enough” and begin to take a stand in the public square, knowledgably, with humility, with compassion and love for those who have bought into lies in our absence?
May the Lord grant you wisdom to do what is right, and to take those first steps to fulfill this part of our Christian walk in this nation. May He grant you the wisdom to have proper balance in everything you attempt to do. And may all of our efforts be used of God to prepare the soil around us so that it will ripen unto a great harvest for Christ’s kingdom.
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