“Power at Any Price”
If I craved the power of high elective office so bad I could taste it, what would I do to get there? Once elected, how would I make my position permanent? For that matter, what would a group of likeminded, unscrupulous people do to ensure their continued re-election over and over? I think I know:
First, I’d shame or intimidate my opponents. I’d portray innocent aspects of their lives in deceptively biased ways, putting the most negative slant possible on what they do or don’t do, call them pejorative names to keep them on the defensive, and impugn evil motives to virtually any action or word they speak.
Second, I’d constantly demonize my opponents. I’d attribute everything wrong around us to my opponent, whether they had direct involvement or not, and ignore any good things that may be happening.
Third, I’d play to racial/ethnic hatred. I’d constantly bring up supposed “facts” demonstrating inequities and attribute them to my opponent’s policy views independent of any unbiased, factual information. I would turn group against group to destroy any possible united front against me and solidify permanent, gut level hatred towards my opponent. After all, emotions speak louder than facts.
Fourth, I’d say what itching ears want to hear. I’d tailor my message to every group; convincing them I was the only one with their best interests at heart, and would take care of them (independent of cost or reality). I’d do this even if I contradicted previous statements – after all, people are only concerned for themselves, and my opponent’s policies are obviously the cause of any problems.
Fifth, I’d twist words to my advantage. I’d play to everyone’s sense of fairness by talking about violations of “people’s rights”, I’d describe myself as “enlightened”, “tolerant”, “nuanced”, and “understanding”. I’d present myself as “principled” – in sharp contrast to my opponent who only wants to destroy rights, is intolerant, narrow, bigoted, inflexible and ignorant. I would be sure to say this often.
Sixth, I’d be a person of “faith” independent of policy decisions. I’d never define my own “faith” but instead I’d keep it a deeply personal matter. I’d give assurance, however, that policy decisions would be made on some other, more “reasonable” criteria
Seventh, I’d engage my opponent on my terms. I’d control the conditions, place, and topics to ensure positive light for myself, and my opponent’s weaknesses are highlighted. If not met, I’d claim my opponent was uncooperative and had something to hide.
To solidify my power once elected, I have more tools at my disposal:
Eighth, I’d support massive taxes on the rich. By fanning the flames of class envy I’d justify taxes to punish success. I’d then reward with funded programs those who don’t want to be productive, making them dependent on me.
Ninth, I’d tailor school curriculum. I’d remove any hint of existence, much less accountability, to a righteous God. I’d indoctrinate students to believe government is the ultimate provider of everything and is the one authority to be obeyed. I’d rewrite curriculum to show no absolutes exist, there is no right or wrong, and that no value judgments can be made – particularly any based upon Christian morals.
Tenth, I’d find creative ways to make people dependent. I’d find cases of horrible inequities to justify government programs to correct “needs” independent of their cause and actual program results. I’d convince everyone that government “help” is their right, dependency is legitimate, and any role of personal responsibility is naive.
Eleventh, I’d control media outlets. I’d ensure news outlets thought the way I did, yet I’d make them believe they were “objective”. I’d encourage the entertainment industry to play to people’s self-centeredness, vile affections, and moral corruptness to ensure traditional values were undermined as much as possible – leaving government as the only authority left to control excesses.
Twelfth, and finally, I’d control the justice system. I’d appoint only judges sympathetic to the belief there are no absolutes of right or wrong, and that government is the new “parent” knowing what’s best for everyone, and ensuring the continued need for me.
Do any of the above characterize: campaigns you’ve seen; policies of elected officials you know of; or any major political parties? The above should give us pause – and force us to look closely and objectively at all political parties and particularly candidates for elective office. Do you think it’s important to actively support the election of godly leaders, or to voice our opinion on what laws should be created or overturned? If Christians don’t take an interest, who will? If we continue to ignore, or worse, condone destructive tactics and power plays as illustrated above, what right do we have to complain about the horrible impact government has had in so many ways? I think we deserve far better, and we should demand far better from thos
e who want to be elected to office, and from those already sworn to serve us. Are you going to make a difference? If not, why not? If yes, today is a good day to start.
Frank Kacer
Executive Director, Christian Citizenship Council of San Diego
First published in the September 2005 issue of Good News Etc.